Soloviev, A.V. and R. Lukas, 2006: The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean: Structure, Dynamics, and Applications. Springer, NY, 572 pp.
Soloviev, A.V. and R. Lukas, 2014: The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean: Structure, Dynamics, and Applications (Second edition), Springer, NY, 552 pp.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Kluge, J., Soloviev, A., Dean, C.V., Morrison, G.K., and B. K. Haus, 2022. Analysis of the Magnetic Signature of Surface Waves Measured in a Laboratory Experiment. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
Shinoda, T., Pei, S., Wang, W., Fu, J.X., Lien, R-C, Seo, H., Soloviev, A., 2021. Climate Process Team: improvement of ocean component of NOAA Climate Forecast System relevant to Madden-Julian Oscillation simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
Vanderplow, B., Soloviev, A.V., Dean, C.W., Haus, B.K., Lukas, R., Sami, M., Ginis, I., 2020. Potential effect of bio-surfactants on sea spray generation in tropical cyclone conditions. Scientific Reports 10: 19057.
Parks, G., C. W. Dean, J. A. Kluge, A. V. Soloviev, M. Shivji, A. Tartar, K. L. Howe, S. L., E. Schwarz, H. Shen, W. Perrie, P. Schuler, 2020. Analysis of Surfactant-Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer Using Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sequencing and Synthetic Aperture Radar. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(10), 3886-3901. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1708508.
Fujimura, A.G., S. Lehner, A. Soloviev and X. Li., 2019. Sea Surface Roughness Observed by High Resolution Radar. Remote Sensing, 11(17). ISSN: 2072-4292.
Gommenginger, C., … Soloviev, A., ….et al. (26 authors), 2019. SEASTAR: A Mission to Study Ocean Submesoscale Dynamics and Small-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Processes in Coastal, Shelf and Polar Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(457), 1-7. ISSN: 2296-7745.
Lee, W., Kim, S.-H, Chu, P.-S., Moon, I.-J., Soloviev, A.V., 2019. An Index to Better Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change in the Western North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 1-23. ISSN: 0094-8276.
Pei, S., T. Shinoda, A. Soloviev, R.-C. Lien, 2018. Upper ocean response to the atmospheric cold pools associated with the Madden‐Julian Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 45. DOI: 10.1029/2018GL077825.
Howe, K.L., C.W. Dean, J. Kluge, A.V. Soloviev, A. Tartar, M. Shivji, S. Lehner, W. Perrie, 2018. Relative abundance of Bacillus spp., surfactant-associated bacterium present in a natural sea slick observed by satellite SAR imagery over the Gulf of Mexico. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 6(8). DOI:
Soloviev, A. V., R. Lukas, M. A. Donelan, B. K. Haus, I. Ginis, 2017. Is the state of the air-sea interface a factor in rapid intensification and rapid decline of tropical cyclones? Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 10174-10183.
Soloviev, A.V., A. Hirons, C. Maingot, C. W. Dean, R. E. Dodge, A. E. Yankovsky, J. Wood, R. H. Weisberg, M. E. Luther, J. P. McCreary, 2017. Southward flow on the western flank of the Florida Current. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 125, 94-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2017.05.002.
Soloviev, A.V., B.K. Haus, M.G. McGauley, C.W. Dean, D.G. Ortiz-Suslow, N.J.M. Laxague, T.M. Özgökmen, 2016. Surface dynamics of crude and weathered oil in the presence of dispersants: Laboratory experiment and numerical simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research–Oceans, 121, 3502-3516.
Huguenard, K. D., D. J. Bogucki, D. G. Ortiz-Suslow, N. J. M. Laxague, J. H. MacMahan, T. M. Özgökmen, B. K. Haus, A. J. H. M. Reniers, J. Hargrove, A. V. Soloviev, H. Graber (2016). On the nature of the frontal zone of the Choctawhatchee Bay plume in the Gulf of Mexico. JGR-Oceans, 121(2), 1322-1345, Gulf Oil Spill special section.
Fujimura, A., A. Soloviev, S. H. Rhee, R. Romeiser, 2016. Coupled model simulation of wind stress effect on far wakes of ships in SAR images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, PP(99), 1-9.
Kurata, N., K. Vella, A. Soloviev, A. Tartar, S. Matt, M. Shivji, W. Perrie, W., 2016. Surfactant-associated bacteria in the near-surface layer of the ocean. Reports, 6, 19123.
Dean, C, A. Soloviev, A. Hirons, T. Frank, J. Wood, 2016. Biomixing Due to Diel Vertical Migrations of Zooplankton: Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamics Model with Observations. Ocean Modelling, 98, 51-64.
Boutin, J., Y. Chao, W. E. Asher, T. Delcroix, R. Drucker, K. Drushka, N. Kolodziejczyk, T. Lee, N. Reul, G. Reverdin, J. Schanze, A. Soloviev, L. Yu, J. Anderson, L. Brucker, E. Dinnat, A. S. Garcia, W. L. Jones, C. Maes, T. Meissner, W. Tang, N. Vinogradova, B. Ward, 2015. Satellite and In Situ Salinity: Understanding Near-Surface Stratification and Sub-footprint Variability. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Hamilton, B., C. Dean, N. Kurata, K. Vella, A. Soloviev, A. Tartar, M. Shivji, S. Matt, W. Perrie, S. Lehner, 2015. Surfactant associated bacteria in the sea surface microlayer: Case studies in the Straits of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(2), 135-143.
Soloviev, A.V., S. Matt, and A. Fujimura, 2015. Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Freshwater Lenses in the Ocean’s Near-Surface Layer. Oceanography, 28(1), 142-149, 2015.
Soloviev, A., R. Lukas, M. Donelan, B. Haus, and I. Ginis, 2014. The air-sea interface and surface stress under tropical cyclones. Reports, 4, 5306.
Rascle, N., B. Chapron, F. Ardhuin, A. Soloviev, 2013. A Note on the Direct Injection of Turbulence by Breaking Waves. Ocean Modelling, 70, 145-151.
Soloviev, A., A. Fujimura, and S. Matt, 2012. Air-Sea Interface in Hurricane Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans 117, C00J34, DOI:10.1029/2011JC007760.
Soloviev, A., C. Maingot, M. Agor, L. Nash, and K. Dixon, 2012. 3D Sonar Measurements in Wakes of Ships of Opportunity. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, 880-886.
Dubrovin, K., E. Golbraikh, M. Gedalin, and A. Soloviev, 2011. Turbulent viscosity variability in self-preserving far wake with zero net momentum. Physical Review, E 84, 027302-1 – 027302-4.
Matt, S., A. Soloviev, S. Rhee, 2011. Modification of Turbulence Air-Sea Interface Due to the Presence of Surfactants and Implications for Gas Exchange. Part II: Numerical Simulations. In: Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, Kyoto University Press, 299-312.
Soloviev, A., S. Matt, M. Gilman, H. Hühnerfuss, B. Haus, D. Jeong, I. Savelyev, M. Donelan, 2011. Modification of turbulence at the air-sea interface due to the presence of surfactants and implications for gas exchange. Part I: laboratory experiment. In: Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, Kyoto University Press, 245-258.
Gilman, M., A. Soloviev, and H. Graber, 2011. Study of the Far Wake of a Large Ship. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28, 720-733.
Brusch, S., S. Lehner, T. Fritz, A. Soloviev, and B. van Schie, 2011. Ship Surveillance with TerraSAR-X. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), 49(3), 1092-1103.
Soloviev, A.V. and R. Lukas, 2010. Effects of Bubbles and Sea Spray on Air-Sea Exchange in Hurricane Conditions. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 136, 365-376.
Fujimura, A., A. Soloviev, and V. Kudryavtsev, 2010. Numerical simulation of the wind-stress effect on SAR imagery of far wakes of ships. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7, 646-649.
Soloviev, A.V., M. Gilman, K. Young, S. Brusch, and S. Lehner, 2010. Sonar measurements in ship wakes simultaneous with TerraSAR-X overpasses. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions, 48, 841-851.
Soloviev, A., M. Donelan, H. Graber, and B. Haus, 2007. An approach to estimation of near-surface turbulence and CO2 transfer velocity from remote sensing data. Journal of Marine Systems (Elsevier) 66, 182-194.
Soloviev, A.V., 2007. Coupled Renewal Model of Ocean Viscous Sublayer, Thermal Skin Effect and Interfacial Gas Transfer Velocity. Journal of Marine Systems (Elsevier), 66, 19-27.
Katsaros, K.B., A.V. Soloviev, R.H. Weisberg, and M.E. Luther, 2005. Reduced Horizontal Sea Surface Temperature Gradients under Conditions of Clear Skies and Weak Winds. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 116, 175-185.
Wanninkhof, R., K.F. Sullivan, W.P. Dammann, J.R. Proni, F. Bloetscher, A.V. Soloviev, and T.P. Carsey, 2005. Farfield Tracing of a Point Source Discharge Plume in the Coastal Ocean Using Sulfur Hexafluoride. Environmental Science & Technology, 39, 8,883-8,890.
Katsaros, K.B. and A.V. Soloviev, 2004. Vanishing Horizontal Sea Surface Temperature Gradients at Low Wind Speeds. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112, 381-396.
Soloviev, A.V., M.E. Luther, and R.H. Weisberg, 2003. Energetic baroclinic super-tidal oscillations on the Southeast Florida shelf. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(90, 1463. DOI:10.1029/2002GL016603.
Soloviev, A.V., R.J. Walker, R.H. Weisberg, and M.E. Luther, 2003. Coastal Observatory Investigates Energetic Current Oscillation on the Southeast Florida Shelf. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 84(42), 11 October 2003, 441-450.
Soloviev, A. and R. Lukas, 2003. Observation of Wave Enhanced Turbulence in the Near Surface Layer of the Ocean During TOGA COARE. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 371-395.
Shay, L.K., Cook, T.M., Peters, H., Mariano, A.J., Weisberg, R., An, P.E.., A. Soloviev, and M. Luther, 2002. Very high-frequency radar mapping of surface currents. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 27(2), 155-169.
Soloviev, A., R. Lukas, and H. Matsuura, 2002. Sharp Frontal Interfaces in the Near-Surface Layer of the Tropical Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems (Elsevier) 37(1-3), 47-68.
Schluessel, P. and A. Soloviev, 2002. Air-sea gas exchange: Cool skin and gas transfer velocity in the North Atlantic Ocean during GasEx-98. Advances in Space Research 29(1), 107-110.
Soloviev, A. and B. Klinger, 2002. Convection: Convection in the Ocean. In: Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences. University of Cambridge, UK, 521-528.
Soloviev, A., R. Lukas, and P. Hacker, 2001. An approach to parameterization of the oceanic turbulent boundary layer in the western Pacific warm pool. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 4421-4435.
Soloviev, A. and B. Klinger, 2001. Open Ocean Convection. In: Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Academic Press, UK, 2015-2022.
Soloviev, A., J. Edson, W. McGillis, P. Schluessel, and R. Wanninkhof, 2001. Fine Thermohaline Structure and Gas-Exchange in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean During GasEx-98. In AGU Monograph Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, Eds. E.S. Saltzman, M. Donealn, W. Drennan, and R. Wanninkhof, 181-185.
Soloviev, A. and P. Schluessel, 2001. A Model of the Air-Sea Gas Exchange Incorporating the Physics of the Turbulent Boundary Layer and the Properties of the Sea Surface. In: AGU Monograph Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces. Eds. E.S. Saltzman, M. Donealn, W. Drennan, and R. Wanninkhof, 141-146.
Shay, L. K., T. M. Cook, B. K. Haus, J. Martinez, H. Peters, J. VanLeer, A. J. Mariano, P. E. An, S. Smith, A. Soloviev, R. Weisberg, and M. Luther, 2000. VHF Radar detects submesoscale vortex along the Florida Coast. EOS, 81, 209-213.
Soloviev, A.V., R. Lukas, and P. Hacker, 2000. Horizontal structure of the upper ocean velocity and density fields in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool: Depth range from 20 to 250m. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30, 416-432.
Soloviev, A., R. Lukas, S., P. Hacker, H. Schoeberlein, M. Baker, and A. Arjannikov, 1999. A near-surface microstructure sensor system used during TOGA COARE. Part II: Turbulence Measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 16, 1598-1618.
Soloviev, A., R. Lukas, S. DeCarlo, J. Snyder, A. Arjannikov, V.Turenko, M. Baker, and D. Khlebnikov, 1998. A near-surface microstructure sensor system used during TOGA COARE. Part I: Bow Measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 15, 563-578.
Soloviev, A. and P. Schluessel, 1998. Comments on "Air-Sea Gas Transfer: Mechanisms and Parameterization." Journal of Physical Oceanography, 28, 1643-1645.
Soloviev, A.V. and R. Lukas, 1997. Sharp frontal interfaces in near-surface layer of the ocean in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, 999-1017.
Soloviev, A.V. and R. Lukas, 1997. Observation of large diurnal warming events in the near-surface layer of the western equatorial Pacific warm pool. Deep-Sea Research, 44, 1055-1076.
Schluessel, P., A. Soloviev, and W. Emery, 1997. Cool and freshwater skin of the ocean during rainfall. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 82, 437-472.
Soloviev, A.V. and R. Lukas, 1996: Observation of spatial variability of diurnal thermocline and rain-formed halocline in the western Pacific warm pool. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26, 2529-2538.
Soloviev, A.V. and P. Schluessel, 1996: Evolution of cool skin and direct air-sea gas transfer coefficient during daytime. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 77, 45-68.
Soloviev, A.V. and P. Schluessel, 1994: Parameterization of the cool skin of the ocean and of the air-ocean gas transfer on the basis of modeling surface renewal. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24, 1339-1346.
Kudryavtsev, V.N. and A.V. Soloviev, 1990. Slippery near-surface layer of the ocean arising due to daytime solar heating. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 20, 617-627.
Soloviev, A.V., 1990. Coherent structure at the ocean surface in the convectively unstable conditions. Nature, 346, 157-160.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals and patents in Russian
Doklady (6); Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (12); Oceanology (3); Marine Hydrophysical Journal (1).
Three inventions patented in the former Soviet Union.